Will Catholic LGBT Couples Line up for Blessings on Dec 31?

Catholic priest offers blessing in front of Cathedral in Cologne, Germany.
Felix von der Osten for The Washington Post

Today the Vatican made it official that Roman Catholic priests may offer blessings to same-sex unions and couples in “irregular” situations, such as divorced and remarried.

On Dec. 31, at the end of Mass, I would love to see the central aisle of Catholic churches around the world filled with couples coming “to seek a blessing from Mother Church,” as the document describes.

Presiding priests or deacons may extend an invitation to all same-sex couples and other couples who would like to receive a special blessings to come forward.

Within the recommendations of the Vatican, these blessings might be celebrated following the words “The Mass is ended,” so as to be unique from the eucharistic liturgy and offered as part of the pastoral work of the people.

A Blessing Prayer for Same-Sex Couples

God of love and fidelity, we place ourselves before You and this gathered community in humility and joy. We thank you that these two were able to find love with each other in a world that obscures Your face and separates us from love. We ask that You bless the sacrifices this couple has made to stand here today. We ask that their families and communities honor their unique stories and needs in their commitment. God who is the pillar of cloud and flame, there are places in the world only this couple can go, places where they may be Your only witness. Give them courage to live Your love with boldness. Place a hedge of protection around them, O God. Defend them with your shield of righteousness from the hate, violence, humiliation, and evil that too often comes their way. Forgive them, O God, when they fall short of being who You call them to be as individuals and as a couple. Be present, O God, in all the circumstances of their lives and the life of their family. Each day may they rise in gratitude for your blessings. Each day may they choose in freedom the wellbeing of the other. Each day may their commitment deepen and their love become more mysterious as it takes root in you. Give all of us the strength to witness to You, our God who is faithful. You are a God of miracles–and this couple is one. We ask all this in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.

[This prayer was written by Rose Marie Berger in December 2023 and may be reprinted without written permission from the author (though she would love to know if you do!).]

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